Organizing, Planting, & Fertilizing Your Garden

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As the rain subsides for another gorgeous week of weather ahead, it is time we gardeners begin thinking about when and what to plant during the spring. As most of the experienced gardeners know late winter/early spring is when the ground can be prepared and fertilized with nutrients for the new plants. Here are a few fabulous homemade and natural options:

*Egg Shells

*Banana Peels

*Coffee grounds

Once you have prepared your garden for the chosen crops, labeling can be important so that you know the needs of those certain plants. There were some fabulous ideas to help organize your garden by using things around the house to label plants:

*Popsicle sticks

* Painted Rocks

*Labeled Bricks

With the worry of pesticides and what harmful chemicals they contain it is nice to know that there are some natural reminisce to help with keeping those pesky bugs away from your crops. A few natural remedies are:

*Diatomaceous earth will help deter bugs away by damaging their exoskeleton

*Cayenne & ivory soap mixed then shaken onto the top of the plants

*Citrus essential oil and ivory soap

*Baking soap added to 2 quarts of water then cover the plants with the mixture

As experienced gardeners know, there are certain plants that can be planted at certain times during the year. It is important to remember that planning to plant around the crops that you want to grow will make your life considerably easier.

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