The team at Integrated Health treat a variety of conditions like tendonitis, low back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, herniated discs, sports injuries, and more.

Treating the following conditions and more:

  • Achilles tendinitis: Inflamed Achilles tendon (connects muscle to bone), the thickest tendon extending from calf to heel
  • Adhesive capsulitis: Pain, loss of motion, inflammation, and adhesions or scar tissue of the shoulder capsule (also known as frozen shoulder or FS)
  • Ankle injury: Ankle sprains, strains, and more
  • Arthritis: Inflamed and degenerated joints; most common form is osteoarthritis, or “wear and tear” arthritis, from the natural aging process of the human body
  • Back pain or injury: Herniated or bulging disks, sprains, strains, irritated nerves, spinal joint dysfunction, muscle imbalances, and more
  • Bicipital tendinitis: Inflamed bicep tendon (connects muscle to bone) that can cause shoulder pain
  • Bunions: Chronic foot pain from a bump on the big toe
  • Bursitis: Inflamed fluid sacs where muscle and tendons interact with bones, most commonly affecting elbows, knees, hips, and shoulder
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Numbness, tingling, or pain in the hand, wrist, or arm caused by a compressed nerve in the wrist
  • Chondromalacia: Damage to kneecap cartilage which is commonly a result of long standing muscleimbalances that results in inflammation and pain (also known as Runner’s knee)
  • Compartment syndrome: Compressed nerves and blood vessels within an enclosed space, leading to muscle and nerve damage and most commonly affecting the forearm or lower leg
  • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis: Wrist and thumb pain commonly caused by repetitive overuse; results in scar tissue formation
  • Depuytren’s contracture: Finger curling as a result of thickening tissue in the palm and fingers
  • Foot pain or injury: Caused by disease, trauma, or both
  • Frozen shoulder: Pain, loss of motion, inflammation, and adhesions or scar tissue of the shoulder capsule (also called adhesive capsulitis)
  • Gait imbalance: Uneven patterns of movement while running or walking
  • Golfer’s elbow: Inflamed inner elbow or medial epicondylitis (similar to tennis elbow — which involves the outer elbow instead)
  • Golf injury: Golfer’s and tennis elbow, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back pain, knee and shoulder pain, and more
  • Hammer toe: Second, third, or fourth toe deformity where toes are bent at the middle joint
  • Hand injury: Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, ligament damage, nerve compression, and more
  • Headache: Tension headaches, stress headaches, migraines, and more
  • Hip injury or pain: Arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and more
  • Iliotibial band syndrome: Thigh injury and subsequent knee pain; commonly a result of muscle imbalances associated with repetitive activities like running, cycling, and weight lifting
  • Impingement syndrome: Common shoulder condition where weak shoulder or rotator cuff and scapular muscles affect shoulder joint movement; causes inflamed or irritated rotator cuff tendons (impingement syndrome is a rotator cuff syndrome also known as swimmer’s shoulder or thrower’s shoulder); Femoroacetabular impingement affects the hip joint (known as FAI)
  • Joint dysfunction: Arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle imbalances, and other dysfunctions that alter proper joint movement
  • Joint hypomobility: Joint does not move enough; the most common joint dysfunction treated by a chiropractor
  • Join hypermobility: Joint moves too much; commonly treated with rehabilitation, or in severe cases, with prolotherapy
  • Knee pain or injury: Arthritis, knee ligament tears or sprains, knee cartilage (meniscus) pain, swollen or painful kneecaps resulting in scar tissue, iliotibial band syndrome, muscle weakness, and more
  • Leg injury: Shin splints, muscle strains and sprains, compartment syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, runner’s knee, joint and nerve problems, and more
  • Lower back pain: Sciatica, spinal injury, ligament sprains, joint pain, herniated or slipped disc, and more
  • Muscle imbalance: Can cause shoulder pain, lower back pain, neck pain, and more
  • Muscle strain: Damage or tearing of the muscle and sometimes its attached tendon; commonly occurs where muscle and tendon meet (also called pulled muscle)
  • Muscle pain or weakness: Caused by injury, overuse, tension, or disease
  • Myofascitis: Inflammation of a muscle and its fascial tissue (thin tissue that covers all muscles like plastic cling wrap)
  • Neck pain: Muscle strain or tension, neck or spinal injury, whiplash resulting from a car accident, and more
  • Nerve entrapment syndromes: Syndromes with a pinched nerve or compressed nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome is one type of nerve entrapment syndrome)
  • Performance care: Increasing efficiency of body function and performance by eliminating muscle imbalances, muscle strength issues, faulty biomechanics, nutritional deficiencies, and more (also called performance enhancement)
  • Plantar fascitiis: Inflammation of the fascia (connective tissue) on the bottom of the foot, and most commonly associated with heel pain due to running or chronic tightness from the foot all the way to the hip region
  • Post surgical conditions: For example: neck, back, shoulder, arm, knee, hip, leg, and foot pain occurring post surgery as a result of scar tissue, weakness or long standing irritation in any muscle, tendon, ligament, or joint from a previous trauma
  • Pulled muscle: Damage to the muscle and sometimes its attached tendon; commonly occurs where muscle and tendon meet (also called muscle strain).
  • Repetitive strain injury: Carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain’s syndrome, tendinitis, low back pain, and any other type of repetitive stress injury
  • Rib pain: Caused by injury, inflammation, stress, or disease
  • Rotator cuff syndromes: Shoulder muscle damage caused by repetitive motion, overuse, underuse (weak rotator cuff muscles), or trauma (impingement syndrome, or swimmer’s shoulder, is one type of rotator cuff syndrome)
  • Running injuries: Achilles tendinitis, runner’s knee, iliotibial band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and more
  • Runner’s knee: Damage to kneecap cartilage that results in inflammation and pain (also known as chondromalacia patella)
  • Scar tissue: Fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue after an injury and often results in the muscle or tendon shortening (leading to muscle weakness); over time, scar tissue can limit movement and cause pain
  • Sciatica: Common form of low back pain and leg pain, caused by compression of the sciatic nerve or sciatic nerve root (the longest and widest nerve in the body, extending from the lower back, through the buttock, and into the thigh and hip)
  • Shin splints: Painful shin condition often caused by running (also known as anterior or medial tibial stress syndrome)
  • Shoulder pain: Bursitis, tendonitis, rotator cuff syndromes, frozen shoulder, and more
  • Sports injuries: Running injury, golfing injury, tennis injury, swimming injury, soccer injury, basketball injury, football injury, baseball injury, and more
  • Swimmer’s shoulder: Weak shoulder or scapular muscles caused by inflamed or irritated rotator cuff tendons (swimmer’s shoulder is a rotator cuff syndrome and is similar to what occurs in baseball with thrower’s shoulder)
  • Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendons (connects muscle to bone), common types being Achilles tendinitis or tennis elbow
  • Tennis elbowInflammation of the elbow tendons brought on by repetitive motions of the wrist or forearm; causes worsening outer elbow pain and a weak grasp (similar to golfer’s elbow — which involves the inner elbow instead)
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome: A combination of shoulder pain, neck pain, numb or tingling fingers, and a weak grasp; commonly caused by poor posture resulting in tight pectoral or neck muscles
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