During the holidays our schedules become crazy and erratic, often times our workouts that were normally scheduled get pushed back and never accomplished. Our normal eating habits become adjusted so that you can have the glass of wine with dinner as well as the piece of delicious looking pie. By the time we realize what we have devoured at the holiday parties 3-4 nights a week, we have by far surpassed our necessary caloric intake and missed our workouts. Here are some tips to help you stay on track during the holidays.


*Find a buddy

*Continue your normal workout schedule, make it a meeting with yourself!

*Use bodyweight movements so that you do not have any excuse

*Ensure you are getting the adequate amount of sleep 8-9 hours

*Drink plenty of water

*Avoid sugary drinks and ample amounts of alcohol

*Bring healthy options to holiday parties

*Create a new tradition: run a 5k, complete a workout as a family, or have a new healthy side dish.


*Don’t deprive yourself, allow yourself to have a treat.




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